Thursday, January 5, 2017

With God--It's Possible

"I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential when one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, she will then be able to make a great difference in the results she attains in this life."
--M. Russell Ballard 

Glenn and I sat down yesterday and had a wonderful discussion about what goals we want as individuals, family, and for Johnathan this year. If any body knows me, they know I am a planner. I like things laid out for me and knowing what the day goals are going to be. However, I am not very good at pushing myself toward the goals I set for myself for the year. This year will be different. We talked about the importance of how God should and will be part of the goals we make. We also talked about what our focus will be on that will help us in reaching these goals. 

When planning our goals we had some specific things it had to meet. 

We decided our family need a 'Family Mission Statement.' This will be something we hang in our home and are reminded of every day. Glenn and I are still pondering and thinking about that one for now.

We also decided that we need to have a focus on family rules and family traditions this year. One thing we want to do is create our own traditions. We have created some traditions since being married, but we want to establish more. These can be associated with holidays or any other time of year. One thing we are looking forward to and have been is having our own family Christmas. We talked about how we want our kids to remember growing up with Christmas at home. We have loved spending time at our own parent's home for Christmas and have fond memories growing up, but we are wanting to create that environment for our own children. That is also our goal with other traditions we establish this year as well. 

When planning our family goals, we considered six categories--Spiritual, Educational, Physical, Social, Service Oriented, & Adventure. Throughout the year we will keep in you the loop of how our goals are going and the struggles we face as well. 
We also took the time to talk about our own personal goals for the year and planned somethings we want to work on with Johnathan as well. I am one who can think of list and list of goals, but one thing I learned is that to really feel accomplished and satisfied with your year goals is to keep it short and simple and always include the Lord. 
Finally, when we thought about the goals we have and what focuses we want to have with the goals, we needed to break them down by month. It is so much easier to take the goals you have and say I will focus on this and accomplish this goal this month. Also creating monthly goals on how to improve your relationship with others is a plus. How will you improve your relationship this month with Heavenly Father, your spouse, your children, extended family, and friends. 
Goal setting can seem overwhelming and disappointing at the end and beginning of a year. But when some simple things and always starting and ending with a prayer, it really can lift your spirits and help you get on your way. 

*Don't forget to write them all down and put them up where you see them every day. Work on them a bit every day (you do have time). Even checking in with those who are close to you about how their goals are going can be very motivating and encouraging. 

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