Monday, January 2, 2017

FRESH as FRESH can be

It's a new year and a fresh start. I do have some resolutions and goals for this year, but I thought it would be fun and fitting to share those with you as the year goes on. I do plan on changing this blog up a bit this year, but I will have to get settled into our new place. That is right! Since Glenn was hired on to be a full time employee, we rented a town home in Boerne (just 20 min. from my parent's house). I am so excited to be able to start this new year with a fresh start in the place we will make our home for a while.

One thing I want to be able to do this year though was inspired by non other than my favorite author, Mark Twain.
I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened. -Mark Twain
 I tend to worry about things a lot. I let things get to my head and most of the time it plays out better than I worried about or they just were made up things I created in my head.One issue of being a creative writer is my mind never turns off with creating stories it seems like. I want to worry less and not create scenarios that just make it worse.

I  can not wait to continue sharing my adventures with y'all. Happy New Year!

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