Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Breakfast Waffle Quesadillas

Summer is here and school is out. At least that is what I hear because I don't have anyone in school.

There are various types of moms and nobody is doing it better than anybody else. We are just all different and that is great. During the school year you have moms that wake up every morning and prepare a yummy breakfast, the mom that puts milk and cereal out, the mom that has pre packaged breakfasts ready to grab on the go, or the ones who let there kids completely fend for themselves. Maybe you are a combination of all the above.
I can't really say which mom I will be yet because I don't have kids in school, but I can say I fit (mostly) in the first mom mold as of right now. I am not a cereal eater for breakfast, so I tend to whip up eggs, pancakes or maybe yogurt and some fruit, etc in the mornings. Cereal is a treat or a snack for me. haha.

About a week ago I wanted something different. I was wanting eggs and tortilla, but I felt like that was so common in this household. I decided to change it up in the waffle iron.

Even if you don't have time during the school year to whip these up, you can easily make this a fun summer breakfast for you and your kids! They are so interchangeable, and we love them!

Ingredients (may vary on your preference)
*Small tortillas
*Meat of choice (ham, cooked sausage, etc)
*Vegetables of choice (spinach, peppers, etc)
*Seasonings of choice (cilantro, pepper, salt, etc)
*Shredded cheese of choice
* Spread of choice (I like laughing cow cheese)
*Dipping sauce of choice (salsa, bbq, etc.)

You can set this up a few different ways (especially if you have some really picky eaters).
TIP for picky eaters: Have them choose what they want on their dish. They have to choose at least one vegetable. That way it was their choice and not something that mommy stuck on their plate. 

Directions (may vary on your preference)

*There are a few ways of doing this 1) you can cook the eggs, meat, vegetables, and seasonings all together, or 2) you can have them all in different bowls, and your kids can pick and choose what they want to put on their individual quesadilla.

For mine I cooked the eggs, seasonings and ham together. I then spread the laughing cow cheese on one tortilla. Once waffle iron was to temperature. I placed the tortilla with the laughing cow cheese (face up) on the iron. I then spread some egg/meat on the tortilla. I placed spinach on top and sprinkled some cheese on top to act a a glue for the other tortilla. Place other tortilla on top and close the waffle iron. Cook until ready.
NOTE: If not spreading laughing cow cheese or any spread on a tortilla, sprinkle some cheese on tortilla before placing the eggs or other ingredients on top. This helps hold it together.

You can do these however your family likes them best. Your kids will have fun assembling these and picking their own fillings.

Place quesadilla on cutting board and use a pizza cutter to cut in fours. If you think your child will only eat two slices, you can use one tortilla and fold in half for the cooking portion. Or you can split the four slices.

Enjoy as is or dip in salsa or bbq. 

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