I will just answer before everyone starts asking. . . yes, it was planned. I actually found out when I was about 3 or 4 weeks along. I took the test (beginning of March) because I was about a week late starting my period. No sickness, no crazy other symptoms that made me suspicious. I was just late. It was no joke too. Those two lines showed up clearer and darker than any line I have ever seen. The next day I had my annual physical scheduled with a Family Doctor. I told him, I just found out (literally) I was pregnant. He felt more comfortable seeing an OBGYN to finish my physical. I was planning on meeting with an OBGYN here in Boerne to interview them anyways. Since I had a C-Section with Johnathan, I needed to find a hospital and team that would be supportive and more then happy to help me have a VBAC. I went to the OBGYN and asked a bunch of questions I printed off of google because I had no idea what I should ask when searching for someone to do a VBAC. Based on enough research on my part and knowing what I would like, I was not impressed with with these OBGYNS.
A couple weeks later I met with the LoneStar Midwives down in San Antonio. I figured it was not a big deal to drive 30 minutes away for my appointments when I will have to drive that far to deliever anyways. The office is located right next to the hospital I will be delivering at. They were exactly what I was looking for. I will tell you more down the road what that is exactly, but I immediately scheduled my first appointment with them. However, it was the end of March, and my first appointment was not to be for another full month.
*SIDE NOTE: I recommend you do not find out you are pregnant so early on because it is no fun waiting so long for that first appointment.
Finally, April 26th came. Glenn took the morning off of work, so he could at least be at my first appointment. I was predicting I was about 10 weeks along. The midwife said we were more like 11 weeks 6 days along. In other words, I was already 12 weeks and practically done with the first trimester.
*SIDE NOTE: I do recommend waiting that long for your first appointment. It felt like such a relief to see I was already that far a long!
Since I was further a long than most people at their first appointment, they were able to do the Ultra Sound on my tummy. This one was way more exciting then Johnathan's first appointment. I had my first appointment at about 9 weeks with Johnathan, and he just looked like a blob floating. Since this baby was further along. . . the legs, arms, and head were developed. This baby was also bouncing off the walls. Literally. I don't think it was still for one second.
Since I was further a long than most people at their first appointment, they were able to do the Ultra Sound on my tummy. This one was way more exciting then Johnathan's first appointment. I had my first appointment at about 9 weeks with Johnathan, and he just looked like a blob floating. Since this baby was further along. . . the legs, arms, and head were developed. This baby was also bouncing off the walls. Literally. I don't think it was still for one second.
To answer your questions on how I am feeling. . . I feel great. I thought my pregnancy was easy with Johnathan, but this one is even easier. With Johnathan, I felt nauseous every once in a while and would nibble on some crackers or toast and feel just fine. I never had morning sickness, but raw meat really grossed me out. I also had terrible restless legs. Other than that, the first trimester was a lot easier than other people I knew. However, with this pregnancy, I have not had one single bit of nauseous feelings. I have had zero morning sickness. I have had zero other symptoms than just being a bit more tired than usual. I probably wouldn't even know I was pregnant unless I missed my period. That is how I am feeling.
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