Saturday, December 24, 2016

A True Toddler

Can it really be? Is it really so? Can Johnathan really be 18 month already?

It is indeed true. And he is a toddler for sure. He is such a joy to have in our family. He still has that soft crazy hair. People still have to touch his head or make a comment about his hair no matter where we go. Johnathan does not mind one bit. He is still our very social, people loving little boy. I sure hope he always stays that way. His smile lights up the room.

He is such an active little guy. I am lucky if I get a picture that his not just blurry. He is always on the go. He also knows that when I yell his name, he immediately steps away from what ever thing he is not suppose to be doing. He still sticks his two little fingers in his mouth when he is tired or goes to sleep. He has an obsession with socks and shoes. He loves balls, babies, treats, and baths. I was saying something about a treat one day and did not realize he knew what that word even means until he took off running to the kitchen. We also were working on saying baby Jesus. He got baby down for sure. He loves to hold the baby Jesus from the toy nativity set. He even says baby with a southern accent. It is so funny.

The words he says (or attempts to say) are ball, baby, bath, more (word and sign), please (only sign), thank you (only sign), daddy, mom (only when mad), hat (really he just touches he head), car, shoes, socks, Grandma & Grandpa (says ma, pa). I can't think of any others at the moment, but he does understand a lot more then he can speak. Which is true with any language learning. I know I was that way when learning German.

He takes one nap a day and sleeps from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. He loves to read books. He will bring us a book and have us read it all the time. That is the only time we really can get him to hold still. He is just like his mommy and has too much of a love for anything bread.

We sure love our kid. I am sure there is more about him, but I can't think of it right now.

Glad to have him in our family. I am learning to not let a moment just pass us by. To stop and slow down, to enjoy and take it in.

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